New here.... could use some prayer
HI there.... My name is Debi and I'm a pastors wife. LOL... feel like that's an addiction! I came across this forum and could just really use the fellowship and sympathy of fellow pastor's wives. THIS IS HARD!!! To sit here and tell you my WHOLE story would take a few days and a few barrels of coffee and va...
no friends in the church
After 10 years and many different fractions within the church, I just don't care to work very hard to make friends here after trying for 10 years. This church is very clicky and hard to fit in with certain groups. I feel there is no one I can trust or reach out to. After an 11 day mission trip a few years ago wi...
Working with your spiritual gifts
Hey everyone, I hope this topic helps someone else. I think that I bring this topic every year: My question is, as the Sr. Pastor's wife, are we responsible for starting and leading the women's ministry, if your church does not have one? I ask b/c I was told that it is my responsibility, yet whenever I...
first lady
Emotional Infidelity
My husband started going to a church different from mine about ten years ago. i was happy that he was involved in something to glorify God and he was happy too. last year i noticed he started hiding his cell phones , making secret phone calls in hushed tones at all hours of the day and night which he would en...
My DH is brankching out again and sending out resumes to open churches. Please pray with us through this season of testing the waters. Also I lost both of my jobs and we need God to fill in the gap greatly. Thanks all!
What's up with the last minute?
Okay, rant up in the house today... This time about leaders in the church who seem to think it's perfectly fine to call out at the last minute (not sickness or emergency) just "hey, we won't be there today/tonight..." so... find somebody for our class... small group leadership... usheri...
Needing some prayer
I truly believe that my husband and I are on the brink of something amazing..in our marriage, in the ministry we have been called to do, and spiritually. Why do I believe this? Because the enemy is pulling out every single weapon that he can find to attack me with! My emotions are really taking a beating t...
How do you deal with "spirit killers?"
I call them "spirit killers" because I don't know of another word. You know the person...that "sweet" Sister so & so who catches you or you hubby right before church to complain about something, usually something stupid. Then it's time to get to the piano for praise & w...
I'm new at this...
Hello all! I am so happy that I found this site. I am a little new at this and it sure is a struggle to stay positive. My husband and I moved to a TINY TINY town in Southwest TX in July. This is our first church. He is the youth pastor here and MAN is it hard. I don't think it is as hard for him as it is for me. We live ov...
Trusted church members again...big mistake!!!
Hi ladies, Just writing to ask for your prayers. I have made yet another familiar mistake that all of us have probably made at some time or other. That is the mistake of trusting a church member to the level that I would have trusted another pastor/pw. Why oh why? I learn over and over again that it never w...
Just Have To Share
PD: I thought of your "True Church Stories" series that you have on your blog. This would fit right in, so I thought I'd share. This morning my wonderful dh was preaching an awesome sermon. There were "amens" everywhere. Behind me, a dear lady and baby Christian (since Janua...
A place to vent
Just struggling right now. Wondering, praying, wondering some more about when God will open the door to ministry again for our family. Yes we are being used but we have a strong calling to pastor a church. SO many thoughts, feelings. Sometimes I just want to scream! Anyone else going through th...
Prayer request
Please say a special prayer of protection for our family. We have come home twice & found that someone has tried to break in to our home, including someone trying to break in while we were at church this morning. Thank you so much ladies. Love you all. Tracy
How to Prepare for Growth
A couple of nights ago, I had a strange dream. (I'm not calling it a dream from God, but I have not forgotten it.) I dreamt that our church was filled to capacity, with some strange attendees including Courtney Cox & Jennifer Aniston (and no I had not been watching Friends.) I had no clue where all th...
Spiritual Mother
What does it mean to you or how do you define "spiritual Mother?" I remember as a young girl our PW would preach form the pulpit and this was back in the 70s...when it was not a common thing. In some places it is still not very common and that truly is saddening. When I was a teen I went to a churc...