I truly believe that my husband and I are on the brink of something amazing..in our marriage, in the ministry we have been called to do, and spiritually.
Why do I believe this?
Because the enemy is pulling out every single weapon that he can find to attack me with!
My emotions are really taking a beating the past few weeks, and I am feeling it especially hard today, after:
a.) attending a women's conference in which God spoke some confirming words to me;
b.) spending yesterday with my husband discussing and making some definite plans to really move forward into all we have been called to here.
I struggle with depression and anxiety and I am really fighting with everything I have not to give in to what I know very well are attacks. If you could please lift both of us up in prayer - specifically my wacked out emotions, that would be amazing!!!!
I will definitely be praying for you. Stand firm on His word! You are not the only one I have been in contact with that seem to be under the same kind of tactics...depression and anxiety attacks. Myself included. Will be praying! What God has placed in your hearts is most definitely a threat! Do not allow satan to steal that away! Guard it, protect it, and use all He has entrusted in you to do His will and reach those that need Him!