Just writing to ask for your prayers. I have made yet another familiar mistake that all of us have probably made at some time or other. That is the mistake of trusting a church member to the level that I would have trusted another pastor/pw. Why oh why?
I learn over and over again that it never works because they do not have the specific grace granted to a pastor by God to handle various things.
I just need your prayers as I walk forward to healing from this. I don't know where I would be without my pw friends. One of the individuals here on the board has been an absolute life line to me this week, off board. An angel sent from heaven.
Thank you ~ it means so much. Really, you ladies are a lifeline for me as much as you tell me I've been for you!
No matter how long we're in ministry we can end up in these traps. I am determined to learn this lesson for the last time.
I have learned it takes my pw sisters around me to stay strong. I have to stay in close connection with other like minded people and those who have walked and are walking this road, to stay strong.
Ladies, thank you for your prayers, and please keep it up. Over the past few weeks I have renewed stronger ties with some pw friends. They were friends I have always had but the relationships are going to a new level and we are meeting in person now as opposed to sporadically.
I need this. Desperately.
I am healing from the pain of having made some mistakes of trusting to a level I shouldn't have, but God's grace is carrying me through and I feel your prayers.
I am learning so much. After 25 years, whodathunk I'd STILL be learning THIS much!!!
Continuing to pray. So glad that you have the opportunity to bond in person. The internet, telephone, & technology are all good in helping us stay connected. But there is nothing like laughing & crying with your girl friends in person to give you a boost. Love you.
It's making a huge difference for me. I've had more coffee/lunch/dinner times with other pastors/pw's in the past month than ever before in a month. We have pretty much been almost exclusively hanging out with other ministers and it's been so encouraging this month. I've needed this sooooooooooo much. More than just fb time or blog time. Thank you for praying with me!!!