PKs - need advice
I need some advice from some other moms out there! We are having some tough issues with our oldest and the other three as well. Nothing terrible just the typical, " Why do we have to go every week? Why doesn't other people come regularly?" One of our youngest (who is 5) asked me, "Mo...
Save Your Daughters
There is an evil in middle school that seeks to destroy our daughters. Our daughter who is now a senior in high school finally shared with us the phenomenon that occurred in middle school. In middle school, peers define one another. Our kids arent in elementary school anymore and theyre not teenagers...
teen help
My teen sons have taken up skateboarding. Let me think of the nicest manner to say this: It exposed them to kids who are latch-key, unsupervised, and dropping out of school (they are skating on the streets and at the skate parks too). My kids have been home schooled/private schooled. This interactio...
Talk to me Moms & CP's
Dear Mom or CP, My dh and I got radically saved over 25 years ago. I was a teen who's family didn't go to church. Therefore, I did not know the "ugly side" (for lack of a better word) of church people. It wasn't until ministry that I learned of church politics or habits that are accepted but no...
PLEASE don't do this to your kids!
At our church, we are in the middle of our kids' crusade - the services themselves are going AWESOME! We have Jay Risner with us (who is an international children's ministry specialist - if you are looking for someone to come and speak to the kids/families of your church, I highly recommend him!), and w...
How to keep a teenage boy pure.
Hi yall, I am new to this site, and as you can even tell from my typing I am from the south, Alabama to be exact. My question is I need advice, I have 4 kids. 12, 11, 7, and 6. ( b, g, b, g) My 12 yr old ds is, well to put it bluntly, a walking erection, (more emotionaly than actual physical) and he doesn't know how...
Being a full time mom AND a full time staff pastor
Wasn't sure whether to post this here or in "armor bearer central," but this won the coin toss, lol! My DH and I are planning to start trying to have kids soon. When we first got married, being in the ministry wasn't even on the radar, and we had a whole different set of goals and things we wante...