No new news here. Bladder infection called for antibiotics and the back pain I'm experiencing is weight related. No surprise there either. My shoulder, neck and back have really started to bother me due to "the girls" being SO heavy. I've been experiencing tingling in hands and feet which are all related. I have managed to keep off the 10 lbs I lost earlier this year.
So the doc of course recommended exercise -- pref water aerobics or stationery back to not jar back and gave me muscle relaxers to help with the pain.
Weight has been my one persistent struggle. Up the scale, down the scale. I'm tired of this battle.
I know what I need to do. I don't need to spend another dime at WW or buy another gym membership or try some new program. I refuse to take any more weight-loss pills (thank God no negative impact with phen-fen use other than gaining all the weight back!) Eat less, exercise. Yeah I know.
And I've done that, just not consistently. I would eat right, exercise for a few weeks, see excellent results and fall off the wagon!
I don't even talk to hubby anymore about weight because we've been through this before. And I must be grating the Father's nerves about now too!
Why is this so hard?
So doc and I talked about weight loss surgery. Risky I know but I'm tired of this battle. I cant' stand it anymore! Before my insurance pays for such a surgery, I've got to try and lose on my own consistently for six months. That means a trip to the doc and dietician every month to chart progress if any.
I wouldn't wish obesity on my worst enemy. It sucks being fat.
Not sure even where to begin this time. I loathe counting WW points! I've backslid so many times on WW I could teach the class at this point!
Prayers appreciated as I attempt this weight loss thing one more time.
My heart goes out to you. I know the struggle, and the pain you feel in your heart. Weight is THE HARDEST ISSUE. Why? We can walk away from anything else in life and survive. Drugs? Walk away. Alcohol? Walk away. Sex outside of marriage? Walk away. But food? You gotta have it.
Could a coke addict overcome the addiction if they said, "You have to still take a little of this 3 times a day..." of course not. They would feel like they are facing an impossible battle.
I have had doctors tell me before that yes, it is the hardest battle - weight loss. Fortunately it is not impossible.
I believe you should seek your doctor's counsel, pray about it and make a decision only God, you and your doctor know is best. I have friends who have lost it on things like WW like me, and others who had the surgery and say it saved their lives. You have to do what God tells you to do.
I've started weight loss programs and ended them so many times, I've lost count.
What is really helping me right now is having a buddy. I used to think that my best friend would not be a good weight loss buddy, because she had 10-15 pounds to lose, and I have a lot more. But I realized that she still has to work out and eat right to maintain that loss, so we're still in the same boat in a lot of ways. And we don't live right next door to each other, either. But it helps to know that when I'm waking up in the wee hours of the morning and dragging myself out of bed to work out (I hate mornings, but if I don't work out right away, my day tends to fill up and it just doesn't get done!), someone else is doing the same thing. We e-mail each other with our losses, and then get together and talk about how hot we're both getting.
Neither of us is on WW or any other "program." We're just getting in 8 glasses of water, exercising every day, and eating sensible portions. I've found that when I've lost the most, it's because I'm exercising consistently and drinking lots of water. Those are key for me. And baby carrots have become my new favorite afternoon snack. Seriously - I buy a 5-lb bag of them at the store every time I go. They're so filling, and crunchy...and kind of sweet, too!!
I just "restarted" again this week - I had an unfortunate incident with cooking oil a few weeks ago that resulted in 2nd degree burns on the palm of my left hand - I'm much better now, lol, but I was in some serious pain for awhile - and my whole program pretty much went down the drain.
I'm also with you as far as "the girls" go. Ouch! My DH likes them , but he doesn't have to try to shop for clothes that fit them, flatter, AND are modest!!! Oh, well - maybe they'll shrink once I start doing so...
Hope it helps - PD is right - food is the only addiction we can't just quit cold turkey. But you can do it!! Praying for you...