I just want to let you know the outcome of the last four weeks. Well, I told you back then that we had a C.A. when we got back from vacation and then it was like all hell was coming against us for a week or so. But guess what...God showed up and showed off!
The week our CA left, it was like a Holy Ghost bomb was let loose in the place. Quite frankly it was not conjured up by dh or myself...this is a true work of the spirit. (We would have been too tired to conjure anything up, quite honestly. Wrestling devils is hard work!) What is funny is, everyone viewed this person as such a saintly prayer warrior. Little did they know...
Well, the CA left and I'm not even kidding it was like all heaven came down in the sanctuary the next week! We have had so many people saved in our Sunday AM services the last 4 weeks. Our visitor room has been PACKED. We have had so many families commit to the church. We have had our highest attendances ever in the last four weeks. Been having folks filled with the Holy Ghost, healed, delivered of drugs...and get this, the first week after the C.A. left, we had a person delivered of demon possession. No kidding. My dh dismissed the service and right when he did a young woman cried out and was being tormented by spirits. The whole church just started praying, and we dealt with it. It was like it pushed our church to a whole new level of awareness of what God wants to do and how He is moving.
Each week it has been some supernatural occurance and many saved and God is just doing such a great work. It's like people forget our C.A. ever existed, myself included. I had to remind myself of her just to write this note to you! Ha Ha!
All this to say, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! We are living in such a wonderful time right now. Our staff is so unified, so in tune, so ready for what God is going to do. Right now we're doing a remodeling project. Everybody is pumped. God is up to something great.
I'm praying for all of you...that God's power and presence be with you...destroy the enemy's assignment against you, loose the power of God in your churches like never before...and bring you VICTORY IN EVERY SITUATION!
I love you and thank God for you faithful friends and true prayer warriors.
As always, we learn.....it's NEVER too late, or too hard for God! Love U! Lori
...... Then they came for the Catholics, and I was a Protestant, so I never said anything. And then, they came for ME, and there was no one left to speak up. Martin Neimoller, German Pastor, WW2
As the old folks used to say back home...Who wouldn't serve a God like this?
Deanna, I am so happy for the move of God breaking out in your congregation. There's something about worship offered from a clean place that seems to really provoke God to move!