Is it just me or do you get bolder the older you get?
Lately I have just been hit with the fact that if I don't want to do something, I just will not do it. Whereas in times past I would force myself, worried what someone else would think...and then I would be miserable.
For example, let's say a couple said to us, "let's go to such and such amusement park" and let's say I do not want to go there - it just tires me out thinking about it. In the past I would force myself to go. But now I just say, "no I am not going to be able to do that."
I told dh today I am just tired of being unhappy. Not that I am unhappy - I'm not! My point is, I am not going to allow myself to be unhappy by making those choices anymore!
I bring this up because just today someone asked us to set a date for dinner. I do not want to do it. So I'm saying no. Times past I would have forced myself. Now I'm doing the things I truly WANT to do.
I know sometimes we have to do things we don't like in ministry and those I continue to do when they are musts. Everyone has those, but I am talking things on a personal level. Things like entertainment, dinners, having coffee, etc. If I don't want to do it and it's on my own time, I am just not doing it anymore! Yippe! I feel so free.
So, has anybody else experienced this metamorphasis yet? I just thought I would share my freedom with you!!!!!!!!! Yahoo! Jump in, the water's fine.
Well I most certainly understand what you mean... I am getting there right along with you... For the most part my attitude comes from being too tired to do what I need to do because I have wasted time doing what others want from me... God has called us to a ministry of faithful stewardship and I don't believe that we are manifesting a faithful life when we are people pleasing... Right now I am focusing my ministry on the calling that God has placed on my life, and I am dropping the extraneous stuff that has no eternal weight. Like all of these extra choirs that I am being drained of not only my finances but also a drain on my time.
I totally understand what you are saying but I thought choirs were one of the things you loved. Has that changed? Maybe you just feel called to something different at this phase? I know how that is for whole focus has changed, so I understand it. I just thought choirs, especially the youth choir was your main passion...
Extra choirs - I sing with a Community Choir that I joined because when I moved here that was my only outlet, but at $95 for a uniform, $10 per month dues, and traveling costs, they are driving me crazy, and every other month someone asks me to work with their choir for a special event (which I previously would not decline)... Yes music is very much a part of my passion, but I have to better balance my free time, which had dwindled with an active concert schedule... BTW - I will be in Fort Lauderdale in July, how close is that to you???
Ft.'s 4 hours from me. I'm there every other month because I have meetings there...I know the city well by now. If you need any tips in getting around or where to go let me know.