The first church I interviewed at called me back today. They just wanted to touch base and say they didn't forget all about me - they're still interviewing candidates, and to get through that process, it's going to take them through the end of December. Yikes! That's a lot of people...not to mention a lot of time for me to wait. We'll see...
My CE Director also gave me a lead on a part time position in the area. It's a predominantly African American church, and he said he thinks I'd do well there. This one is SUPER close to my house, which would make it a blessing in and of itself. It is part I'd have to see what "part time" means to them - I don't want to walk into another situation like the one I'm in. But I guess their current CP is leaving because of health problems - not because she didn't like working there - quite the opposite, actually, from what I've heard!
I guess we'll see what God has in store for me. I was hoping for some good news to tell my family at Thanksgiving this week, but I guess I'm still in limbo .
I started to write that "waiting is always the hardest part." But I think that we have all learned that this is not the case. But it is hard. I have a feeling that there are very few churches who will actually complete the hiring process before the end of the year if they do not have someone already. There's just too much going on at this time of year, i.e. plays, parties, parties, parties, vacation.
My advice: enjoy Thanksgiving & Christmas. Make special memories. Relax.
You're right...I'm going to try to just enjoy the holidays!
But the urgency to find a new job has just been stepped up: My senior pastor has decided to leave. It's not official; he hasn't found anything yet (other than a pending offer that he may take - a PT associate pastor position so that he can go back and get his Master's degree...if he decides to go that route!). But he's at the "shake the dust off your feet" point with our church - he just doesn't see how he can make it work there.
So, YP and I both have to start looking for something new...soon...
Just hoping and praying that we can both find something else within the Twin Cities area - this is where we both really want to minister, raise our families, and be able to maintain the only real friendship either of us has ever really had.