I posted this on my blog, but wanted to post it here, too...getting even more excited and even more scared as my departure from my church approaches....here are some of the things that are most on my mind that I would really appreciate prayer for:
*Favor in finding a house/apartment to rent - that is large-dog friendly [my dog is NOT a typical "restricted breed," just a dopey, lovable lab mix!]. We have a few leads, but would like something concrete by the end of this week.
*Employment - We found a ton of places online where Patrick could work - and where he would probably get in in a heartbeat [even in a bad economy, there are still troubled kids with nowhere else to go, and not a lot of people willing to take care of them, even for a paycheck!], but we are really trying to figure out God's will - if he gets a job, that would be a "for sure" income for us as we launch our business/ministry, but that could also mean that our plans for day camps this summer would be put on hold [and that was going to be our "foot in the door" in the communities so that we could do other things and generate income that way]. So, you see, we're in a quandary!
*A successful "wrap-up" and transitioning at my church - we do have someone who is going to run Sunday morning kids' church in the interim, but there are so many other things that I do...again, for God's will and divine intervention.
I know that He is not going to leave us hanging...I also know that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." [yay King James!]
Will cover these in prayer. The issue of working and the summer camps. Is there a way that maybe during those days he could switch shifts with someone? Just an idea. I know that my DH works with trouble teens and they have 3 different shifts. Just a thought that if he gets a job in a facility like that that maybe switching shifts with someone might not only keep an income coming in but also open those doors to ministry in those communities.
Update: My husband landed himself a JOB INTERVIEW for when we are there next week - it's for an organization similar to where he was working here, that has 20 houses in the area. So...we'll see...he is considering a third shift position again, so that he can work and earn $$ and still be able to do the arts education that we want to do.
Another update: We have a pretty good lead on a house to rent - in a decent neighborhood - for a really, really, really good price!!! Please pray that all goes well with this and that no one else snatches it up before we have a chance to look at it.....
*Interview went very well - unfortunately, there was a snow day in the middle of the week [gotta love northern MN!], and they were unable to squeeze him in for a second interview while we were there like they hoped. But it sounds very promising...
*WE GOT A HOUSE!!! WE GOT A HOUSE!!! Yes, a HOUSE to rent - two bedrooms, TONS of storage space, and dog-friendly! No pet rent, even - just a pet deposit that we pay when we get there. And...we can PAINT, as long as the colors are neutral and we do a good job. I despise white walls, so this is a very exciting thing for me. I will post some pictures on my blog once we're settled and it looks pretty...
*Transitioning is going well - a little scary that I only have three weeks left at my church!! Being the anal-retentive, Type A personality that I am, there really isn't a whole lot left to do. We have actually done our last FULL kids' church service...next Sunday is family worship, so we only have half a service to plan, the week after that is our farewell with the kids in kids' church, and then we are downstairs for our final service/farewell with the grownups.
Thanks for praying...please continue to pray that all the pieces will keep falling into place!!!