You have been so wonderful to me through this last month of trials. Thank you all so much. Now I just want to share my good news with you.
God is really starting to move at the church. Dh & I have a huge vision for our church & our community. As I've shared before, February was a year ago that the church split. Less than 30 people stayed at the church. We came last August. Of course, we had to deal w/ people who were hurting. A few still are. Then last month, all the "to do" happened.
The last 2 weeks have been amazing. Most of the people in the church have grabbed a hold of the vision. They are talking about the big things to come. There is an excitement & an urgency that was not there a month ago. We have consistently averaged a new family a month in the church (who stay). And now, we are seeing new visitors all of the time. (We're talking very small town.)
Ok. Now my excitement. Yesterday, we had 47 in Sunday School. I couldn't believe it! For Sunday School. We had close to 60 for morning worship & we had several of our regulars out.
This week is VBS. Please pray for us. By the end of the week, I know we'll be exhausted.
Oh, one more thing that is so exciting. I told our church yesterday that there is one thing that your child can say to you that is more precious than I love you. Ds, age 3, came home from kids church at district campmeeting last week. He said, "Mommy, I gave my sins to Jesus, and He came into my heart." Ds8, said "yes, he really did. He was the only one, too." Oh, what a happy mommy I am. I'm praying that many more mommies will hear this from their children this week.
One more prayer request. Please pray that we can find a children's pastor -- a couple who will come in & love our kids. (Our town is like the inner city problems in a country environment.) I have been doing kids church, but I feel like I really need to be in the sanctuary ministering along side dh.
Thank you Pastor Deanna & all so much for your support & prayers.
Being part of a small but growing church in a "transitional" time, I can so relate to that. After the Sunday where I had 15 kids in my kids' church, I was flying high for a week!
I'll pray for you to get a children's pastor that is a perfect fit for your church...
EXCITEMENT!!! I received that message from a wonderful sister here just the other day. When we get excited others will too. I am happy for you. I will also pray the Lord's blessings.