We were hit both barrells with something this week. Actually a bunch of stuff. I don't go into it as much as some of you on here because everyone and their cousin's brothers' mother's aunt's babysitter knows I have this website! And some of our people have come on here and read the website before. At times I've thought, 'so what, if they're the ones causing the trouble they deserve whatever I say since I'm speaking truth," but you know how that goes. Truth or not, it just makes it more inflamed at times. So I'm a little more discreet at times than I am in person or private message.
But I will say, dh and I are going through a severe trial right now and we just need your prayers...and all this right before we started taking some much needed vacation time....our first in FOREVER. Please, please, pray for me!!!
I just need peace. And a breakthrough in the circumstances... it will take a miracle of God.
PD - We will be praying for you and your family. We all know the enemy will use anything he can to tear us down but remember what the word says, "what satan means for evil God will turn it around for the good (and He will get the glory for it). You are on the front line for a lot of ministries and I am positive satan does not want you heading anywhere towards the promise land! Stand firm, God knew about this situation way before it even appeared. He has a plan and He can and still performs miracles! Hang in there! Stand firm on the solid foundation you have in Jesus, for He is the one that still calms the storms with His still small voice or if needed with a booming voice. I will be praying for breakthroughs this weekend so that you can enjoy your vacation. You are loved! Melissa
"How can I keep from Praising Your Name, How can I ever say enough, How amazing is Your Love!"
PD - I had not read this until just now. I am glad that I got to see you this weekend and lay hands on you to pray! I bound discouragement and oppression of any type. I know God has spoken to you this weekend.