So I got a call this evening from my Mpact coordinator...we have our Awards Night coming up in a week and a half, and part of the awards program is a dance - open to all the girls in Prims (1st & 2nd grade) and older. The girls have been working on this dance for the past two months on Saturday mornings. Come to find out, one of our first graders has been showing up to practice and refusing to learn the steps...just sitting in a chair and "watching."
So, our coordinator called up the grandmother (the girl's mom does not attend church) and told her that it was not doing to work to have her granddaughter in the dance because she wasn't learning the steps or even participating in the practices. Duh. No-brainer there!
Well...drama ensued. Now our Mpact coordinator, to hear this grandma talk, is singlehandedly responsible for causing strife in this family; and of making certain that the mother forever hates all Christians and is never going to set foot in the church. They are threatening to completely pull the child out of church.
My coordinator was more or less calling me just to keep me in the loop - I told her that I backed her 100% on her decision, and that I know for a fact that our SPs will back her as well. I had a similar dilemma (different family, lol!) with the Christmas play one year and they backed me completely.
As my coordinator put it, "If my OWN daughter was showing up to practices and not doing the work, and the dance team leader told me about it, I'd say, 'Well, that was your decision not to do what you were supposed to do - maybe next year you'll do better!'"
Seriously...doesn't anyone teach their kids to be responsible for their own actions anymore? This child is learning already at age 6 that everything that happens is EVERYONE ELSE'S fault. Great life lesson there...
As the title of my post says...people are CRAZY!!!! I am so ready for my day off tomorrow, lol!!
I agree with you. There is a sense of entitlement that has gripped America's people - and yes, even in the church. No where does it show up worse than with the younger generation and who has madethem this way?? PARENTS.
I feel for you and your Mpact coordinator. Every pastor has faced this and it's not easy. No where are people more prone to get attitudes than with their kids/grandkids.
I know you already know all this and you're just coming here to vent, I'm just encouraging you as usual that you are not alone.
A pastor friend was telling me at council this week that Jeb Bush spoke at a leadership conference here in FL not long ago and he said, "if we don't do something soon about the attitude of entitlement that exists, especially in our younger generation in America, we are in SERIOUS trouble!"
It is because of people like this that we have very clear policies, procedures and releases signed! It saddens me greatly that the church cannot discipline as the schools would! But even the schools are in a bad way today when it comes to disciplining students...and you're right...often it is because of the adults! There's so many good church's out there and they can just leave if they disagree with you. Whereas, school's have districts and it's not so easy to just up and change schools.Respect of authority is almost non-existent. Me, myself and I are the patterns of the world and next generation.
But we are here to point people in the right direction! We are Salt and Light! Keep doing what is will be alright! Love you.