Ladies, would you honestly pray for me? My brother unexpectedly passed away. I don't feel certain of his relationship with Jesus or eternal destiny. My husband and I conducted the funeral. My brother was my kindest family member, age 51, and had a heart attack.
When I was a child and he in his 20's, he took me to a Pentecostal church. A scandal happened there and the fellowship never recovered from it. The church closed it's doors. My brother and his wife got out of church and then later became occasional attenders of the Methodist church. I grew up a United Methodist and never really grasped how to be saved. There also was no altar calls or true discipling.
Anyway, I could use prayer. I am very sad and it's terrible enough to lose him before any of us were ready to say goodbye but also wondering if he's in Heaven for sure. We couldn't "preach him in Heaven" because we didn't want to mislead others. Both sides of our families were there and we want them all to be born again. They think if you're a good person you automatically inherit heaven. He was a wonderful husband, friend, father and brother. He and my sister-in-law had an exceptional marriage of 31 years. This is so hard to go through.
Also, my other siblings are not so noble. They tear me down and say hurtful things. Please pray for their salvation and for them to not pick others to pieces. Thank you for praying about this. I feel so heavy. He will be deeply missed.