ok you all I have a question. Let me explain. I just met with one of the organizers for VBS. She has many health problems and was not even sure she was going to be helping this year. When we initially met for our VBS I told her that I would do the worship rally part of the night. We want to keep it fast paced and not drag it out .The kids tend to get restless if we yada yada too long. Well she has since decided she doesn't want to completely give it all to me ssssssooo we are going to do it together. The reason I agreed to do it in the first place was so I could stop her from talking to much. Now, she informs me today that they don't have teachers for 3-4 grade and 5-6 grade so she wants me to take one of them. I told her that if they just couldn't find anyone else I would. But I D0N'T WANT TOO!!! My baby is still nursing and cutting teeth and I don't want to be tied up with a class this year. I have always taught before but my heart is just not in it. People just assume because you have children that children is where your passion is but mine isn't. I like to be available to meet parents ,do counseling and be available if the baby gets fussy. I usually keep her with me at least a year and then I jump into things after I wean her. My question is am I wrong to not take the class? When is it ok to say no? It really tears my nerves up because I usually give in but I resent it. Thanks for listening.
You shouldn't feel pressured into this. It is okay to say no.
I would say, "I won't be able to teach this year, but I am excited about working with you in the worship rally. Why don;t we brainstorm and see if there might be someone available to work with the age groups you are lacking in. (Throw out a few possibilities and let her know you'll be praying for the right fit- then affirm)- You've done a great job (assuming she has) coordinating VBS, I know the kids are going to be blessed!"
Don't feel like you have to give in or give excuses. You know your capabilities as well as your baby- do what you feel is right for the two of you.
I know how you feel. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt and tote bag. Don't let others pressure you into doing something that you are not prompted by God to do. Oftentimes it can be so easy for us to fill a spot because we don't want things to be lacking. We have to learn to trust God to raise up the right person. Also, God has gifted all of us in many areas, but not in everything. Sometimes our members are not aware of this. They can be easily fooled by the cape and the boots. (ha, ha)
PT gave a great suggestion. Let her know that you are excite and committed to do you part (worship rally) and you will agree with her in prayer for the right fit in hte other areas. Don't feel guilty about doing the right thing.
I love the way you word things! I am learning a lot.
This post came just in time for me! I got a message on my cell phone last night from CA, saying she wanted to put me (and my DH, for moving tables and stuff) on a kitchen team, and to please call her back.
I got the message too late to call back last night - but UGH! A kitchen team?!!?
First of all, it's my DH who should be on kitchen duty, if it was between the two of us - he's a lot more into event planning, and cares more about detail (I call it obsessive-compulsive, lol!) than I do. Second, what am I supposed to do if my team is scheduled for set-up? Just ditch Kids' Church and go set up for the potluck or whatever? Yeah, my SP and all the parents would LOVE that!! Third of all, why isn't she calling some of the newer families in the church and trying to pull them in and get them involved in a ministry? **eye roll** Let's call the church administrator and children's pastor and give them something else to do. I'm sure YP got the same call (being a woman and all!), and I haven't talked to her yet about it, but I'm sure her reaction is the same as mine!!
But anyway, thanks PT and PD for suggestions as to how to gracefully say no. Personally, because it's my CA, I think she's trying to pick another fight, but I'm not going to give in to it. I take my commitments too seriously to commit to something that I have no intention or ability to follow through on!