I was wondering how you all deal with depression or burn-out in yourself or your spouse. I am struggling with anxiety and my husband from depression. It is like we trigger each other. How have you responded to this?
For me I keep on doing what I am required and obligated to do out of love and commitment, but there are days that I feel like sitting for a while.
I totally understand what you're going through - I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks on occasion (less frequently now that I'm in a less stressful situation, but they still come at times!), which are potentially preceded and/or followed by extreme depression.
It may sound cheesy and oversimplistic, but it works for me. I first remind myself - sometimes out loud - "How I feel is not reality." Then I start singing old-school worship choruses like...
*"We Will Triumph in the Lord" *I'm a Conqueror *Jesus Lord to Me *I Am Under the Blood of the Lamb *Mighty Warrior
You get the picture! I also read Psalm 56 and 91 - sometimes several times over.
By this point, I'm usually feeling better.
Not sure what to do about the spouse, though - my husband is the exact opposite of me - cheerful, perky, optimistic and even-tempered, lol!!! Drives me crazy sometimes...
I currently am on a sugar detox as recomended by the nutritionist at the health food store. He insists that it makes depression and anxiety worse. I was so desperate that I am taking his advice. It is a program that will eventually (in a few weeks) have our family switched over to mostly whole wheat flour, natural sugar alternatives, etc....I will let you know how it helps. In the mean time, I have been on 5HTP for weeks and it kept me from getting back on an antidepressant. It is sold at walmart but I learned about it from the health food store. I swear by it.
An elder in my church said that my hubby might be manic depressive. He works with people all day who have this issue, and says he carries all the signs of it. I at one point wanted to take hubby to doctor, but do not have insurance. 5HTP, what is that?
Praise & worship music helps. Make sure you have enough "alone" time with God. Prayer..
Natural helps are exercises (go for a walk), or simple streching. Sunshine/light. Diet (what we eat in general) effects everything.
But also realize that some depression is not just a mood... it can be a real illness, and can be treated with medication. IF your husband is bipolar, he NEEDS the stabilizing meds that can help tremendously. My best friend is bi-polar, and also works for a psychiatrist.
Now, I don't advocate drugs for everybody. I believe our society as a whole is over-medicated. We want a pill to fix everything. But I know from my own experience that SOME depression and anxiety disorders are real illness just like diabetes, and require medical treatment. I take something daily, as I have battled both major depression and panic disorder for years.
Pray, and find out what is best for you and your husband. Every situation is unique.
Rejoicing in HOPE, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer (Romans 12:12)
Absolutely do not feel bad if your husband needs to go on medication at least for a while. Some people don't need it forever, but just for a season. Others need it indefinitely, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I once heard it described that "the medication in some cases IS the healing." Because, no medication out there works for everyone in every case. If medication does work for you, it is a form of healing in one sense. In that case, for a time the Lord has provided the medication as a way for you to live with your "levels" normal. I believe it's seratonin in the brain that is lacking that causes clinical depression and the thing is, going through stressful times in your life can deplete that chemical even more where you need something to even it out again like it's supposed to be.
If you had diabetes you would take medication. Depression is no different. And if he is bi-polar, you need to get him on medication YESTERDAY! And don't delay.
I do believe in the healing power of God and yes, we anoint with oil and lay hands on and pray for healing. But there are also times that doctors are used by God as well as medication to bring the healing to our bodies in the meantime.
I am also in favor of medication if there is a need for it - yes, I believe in healing, but would you tell a diabetic to stop taking their insulin? Would you neglect a trip to the doctor if you broke your arm? Of course not (at least I hope you wouldn't!)?
I personally have never needed medication deal with panic attacks and the like...but would not hesitate to take it if it turned out I did. Just wanted to clarify that I DON'T think the only solution to depression/anxiety is to just sing some praise and worship music and read the Bible.
For me - at this point in my life - it works. But I would echo what others have said, and encourage you and your husband to go to a doctor and determine what the course of action is for you!
5HTP increases seratonin levels inthe body naturally. seems to really help me because I am not as low as I was three years ago. Then, I totally needed Wellbutrin to get me back to a place of wholeness. That and prayer. And not all dr's will charge for the meds. They sometimes offer samples to people who genuinely need it or offer something on the $4 planat Walmart. LOTS of antidepressants that help with manic depression are on that list from what I understand.
I guess for me, at this point it is wondeful to know that I am not walking alone in this. I am not sure if hubby would go to doctor..but the last 4 days have been a TON better. I have not had severe anxity, but notice when I do, I feel exhausted. Hubby too. IS part of manic depressive being scared of everything? Not so much things, but people or new situations?
I am going to check out 5HTP and see if that helps some.......
I buy mine at Walmart. I know walgreens sells it because it was a feature in their weekly flyer a few weeks ago. But for someone who really can explain it to you, its best to talk to some one at a natural food/health food store. They can be a well of information and helpful advice. :)