Hey! Just asking you ladies to agree with me in prayer for some pastor friends of ours in Oklahoma (we did a missions trip with them a few years ago) - they are experiencing some major CA (for those new to the board, that's "Church Antagonist") trouble, and are under a whole lot of stress.
Don't know all the details - they're my best friend's parents, so I'm sure I'll find out exactly what's up when I see her next Friday - but I know firsthand how stressful a situation like that is spiritually, emotionally, and physically, and I have committed to praying for them every day until I hear differently!
We were on staff at a church in Florida last year and we watched our pastors go through the CA thing. We learned a lot watching them keep their integrety and supporting them the best we could. We will be praying here!
"How can I keep from Praising Your Name, How can I ever say enough, How amazing is Your Love!"
I will be keeping them in my prayers! It is hard to go through trials. But let them know that the enviorment does not determine their atmosphere! Their atmosphere is carried inside, in Christ. And even as the Psalmist said in Psalms 102 that even his skin clung to his bones, and he drank is own tears, "But God" is much more! Despite this psalmist's enviorment, he knew that he is in Christ and that even when he was not in charge of his enviorment, he was in charge of his atmosphere. He knew that if he maintained his atmosphere (relationship with God), and grew in it, that his enviorment would eventually catch up! Your enviorment will tell you it is not the right time, or not the right way. But God's timing is not determined or limited to time or enviorment! So I will pray that your friends will respond to their Set Time and let God show them the way through!
I live in Oklahoma ....are they AOG, PH or something else?
Tonkawa...about 45 minutes from Ponca City (those are officially the only names of towns in OK that I know, other than the bigger cities, lol!). They've been there about five years...