So I was reading a blog and wanted to ask this question here. Is there any place in the Bible that states that men should be "the priest of the home"??
It is one thing to be the head of the home and have the husband and wife be a partner in ministry etc. But what are your feelings about this topic??
Hi!! I don't know if it was my blog you were reading or not (I recently posted a blog on this very topic!)...but just in case you were reading a different one - and/or for those who have not read it, rather than write my opinion all over again, I'll just post a link to my blog. Scroll down, because I have posted one more entry since my "priest in the home" rant .
Puppetmaster, I have just read your blog and I must say its the first time I have seen it like that (can you believe I have studied Theology lol) I think we so easy accept things just because it sounds biblical instead of checking for ourselves to see if that is the way the word says it or is it just something someone said that would sound correct. I too have prayed for men to become priest and prophet of their homes... mmmm will have to have a brain change in this think. Thank you for your correction loved it I loved this part of your blog: "The way I read the Bible, I don't think that the Biblical model for marriage is a supervisor/employee relationship, anyway. God gives separate instructions for how employees and employers are supposed to relate." I am so happy to be married to a man that is not afraid that I will take his manhood away from him if I move spiritually and he doesnt (in certain aspects of our life) He is an ordained minister of the Gospel but has chosen to step out and be in the market place. People dont understand that he might have stepped out of ministry but I have never even though the church we are in does not Recognize woman in leading a church but in a ministry place yes (hope that makes sense) anyway I am the church adminstrator and dont have the title Pastor anymore but I am still in ministry but my DH still leads us strong at home, and I feel free to be me. You sound so much like Deanna lol must be the anointing that rubs off lol. love always me Love always me