So I just heard back from our tax preparer's office, and found out that...wait for it...we're getting a REFUND this year!!!!!
The last two years, we've had to pay in - in a major way! - and so we definitely feel like we've turned a corner financially. It'll probably have to go to pay what we still owe from before (we're on a payment plan with the IRS) - but I don't even care. I thought that THIS would be the last tax year that we'd have to owe tons of $$ - just because 2006 was so weird for us, and then next year we'd turn a corner. But it came early...
I don't care if it's only a penny that we're getting back. God has definitely blessed us and vindicated us over this past year! WOO-HOO!!
Edited to add: We're getting enough of a refund to NOT have to pay in, and to knock off a very significant chunk from the amount of back taxes we owe! God is good. I also had my "6-month review" today, and my SP still loves me, and is still glad he hired me, lol!! Life is going very well for me...
Praise the Lord! Very excited for you. Guess what? For the first time in 3 years we don't have to pay in and we get a refund that will cover what we still owe the IRS. God is Awesome!