You are talking to the new "worship leader" at our small church. The old leader was best friends with....y'all remember the lady who put her fingers in her ears when I sang?...that lady. She had worked hard to get the drum off the platform, and one of the guitar players out of the church. Worked to get me dismissed, too, but pastor stood firm that I was here to stay.
Well, Friday, the worship leader called the pastor to say he would be "ministering" at another church and wouldn't be back. The finger lady called, too--same words.
I don't know how to explain this, but it felt like a huge burden had lifted from the congregation. The song service went well. I led from the piano, which is not ideal, but it worked. People stood, clapped, raised their hands -- all appropriately and some even worshipped.
Just wanted to share. The guitarists and I decided we would not discuss or nurse the past. Let's get on with worship and praise the Lord.
Dell PS: Thank you for you encouraging words. You ALL bless me.
LOL!! "CA" is short for "Church Antagonist." I was posting a few years ago about someone in my former church who was being, well, antagonistic - and I got sick of typing it all out, and I didn't want to type her name because the Internet makes the world awfully I started using shorthand. And it's sort of stuck around here :o).